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Advanced Source for Aircraft, Military Components & Electronic Parts

We Help Source 

  • Military components & materials
  • Mechanical & electro-mechanical parts
  • Hard to find electronic parts
  • Obsolete components & hardware

Main Industries We Serve 

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Military & Defense
  • Computing
  • Electronics
  • Electric Utilities
  • Telecom
  • Medical


  • 100% inspection on every order
  • Full-time Quality Assurance Department
  • Part warranty. All materials are certified
  • Direct access to your trader (CAGE 7BFD7) is the global marketplace for NSN (National Stock Number) parts, military components and materials, aircraft components as well as electro-mechanical parts and hardware.

When you need NSN parts, and you need them now, we can help. While many sourcing services are available,  few excel at securing, testing and delivering quality NSN components. is designed to streamline the NSN component sourcing and purchasing process.  We are a leading worldwide distributor of fasteners, electro-mechanical products, hardware and electronic components.

Our focus is to deliver complete component and hardware sourcing services to OEMs and contract manufacturers (CMs) in the aerospace, military, automotive, commercial,  medical and telecom industries.

Professional sales and customer service teams work directly with your purchasing staff to effectively meet your critical supply demands in a timely and professional manner. Our teams are comprised of the most experienced, knowledgeable and effective procurement analysts from around the world within multiple manufacturing disciplines.

Search our part database for millions of parts  and simply place a Request for a Quote (RFQ). We will provide you with a confirmed quote within 24 hours. 

Source NSN Parts & Components Now

Submit a Request for a Quote and we will quickly provide you with a quote. Fast procurement, superior customer service and the highest quality standards deliver a stress-free purchasing experience for you and your company. streamlines the RFQ process. It’s really very simple:

  • Go directly to our Request a Quote page, fill out and submit the form.

    Our RFQ form is user friendly and straightforward and should take minimal time to complete.
  • Your RFQ is delivered directly to a sales representative who will determine product availability and pricing.

  • You will quickly receive an email with detailed pricing and delivery information.

Orders are shipped domestically (within the US) or Internationally by United Parcel Service (UPS) or Federal Express (FedEx). Some products may be available for same day shipping. Delivery times for products from approved vendors will be individually quoted.

We accept the following payment methods: By Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Discover), PayPal, COD or bank wire-transfer. Net terms are available for established customers.

Critical Need Solutions

At PartTarget, we recognize that unexpected supply events occur, even for the best of companies.  We are also aware that such supply disruptions can carry great impact on your company’s ability to meet your production schedules or delivery promises to customers.

We have established a process that allows us to quickly assess your urgent requirements and make them our priority, also.  As a result of our broad scope of relationships, we are often able to minimize the constraints and impact such shortages would normally create. By doing so, we can help you get back on schedule quickly and without unnecessarily suffering from long delays that would occur otherwise. All you need to do is click on Request a Quote and, when completing the RFQ Form, be sure to choose “Urgent Buy” in the “Need Part By” column in the upper right hand corner of the form.  Then, we will jump into action immediately.  Not only will you receive an email response but one of our Sales Executives will contact you by phone.

Excess & Surplus Inventory Management

From relationships within major manufacturing and contract manufacturing entities throughout the world, we are constantly tasked with meeting the critical supply demands of a significant percentage of their production needs.

Your excess inventory is matched item by item with our clients’ requirements  on a real-time basis.

Our Excess/Surplus Inventory Management & Asset Recovery services are designed to provide your company the fastest and most significant in the shortest amount of time.

Please submit your inventory via an online form here or submit your inventory file here to receive an assessment and disposition proposal.